What was I thinking?? My mom told me about a website weeks ago that I should visit. It had natural remedies for colic. Why didn't I rush to the website? Because...I think I felt that colic was an overused term and my baby was suffering from reflux, and I didn't want to pin it on "colic." So, needless to say, I had not visited the website. I really did have the intention of checking it out, but just hadn't gotten around to it.
Rajko really does just suffer with his tummy all the time. I hadn't been able to pin it down to one thing, but he seems to always be in pain with his stomach. Now that the reflux pain seems to be under control (thank you Prevacid), I've been able to see that his problem of waking up during his naps in pain is not because of the reflux, but because of something else. He starts out with a few grunts, then starts screaming! Nothing can soothe him...Noah has his way of holding him, and I have my way. He cries and cries in obvious pain with the saddest frowning faces and then suddenly goes limp and falls back to sleep. This can repeat over and over every 15 minutes throughout his nap. It is truly heartbreaking.
So, today I called the pediatrician - just for some advice. What else can I do to help this little guy's gassy problems? I don't eat dairy, I avoid gassy veggies, beans, soda, etc. I give him Mylicon with every feeding. He's on a prescription for his reflux. I give him daily tummy massages (which make him toot like crazy!). We even bought an Acid Reflux sleeping wedge that he gets strapped into every time he sleeps! The nurse suggested I give gripe water a try, as it was about the only thing I'm currently not doing.
So I get online to research gripe water, and where do I end up? On the website my mom told me about weeks ago. ColicCalm.com
This is the FIRST thing I have found that seems to address the exact symptoms I see in Rajko, and it sounds like it's going to be the answer to my prayers (literally). A weight was lifted from my shoulders as I sat and read the testimonials...hearing my own baby's story reflected in the stories of others. I am SO SO SO SO SO excited! I ordered a bottle and cannot wait to give it to him. My heart breaks every time that sweet baby wakes from a peaceful slumber crying in pain. NO MORE!!! Colic Calm to the rescue!
The moral of the story - do what your mother tells you to do WHEN she tells you to do it!