Friday, September 28, 2007

One Night Only...

So, this is the only picture I have from the show (with my friend Michelle) but there are pictures on Billie Jo's and Mom's blogs. Check them out if you haven't already. It was a great show and I can't wait to show the video as soon as I get it!


Billie Sue said...

When you get the video, we'll show it when the whole fam is home and have a "One Night Only!" I would love to see it again!

Chelsea Johnson said...

I'm glad the show went well! Can't wait to see the video-

The Richards family said...

I am really sorry I did not make it to any of your shows. It looks like it was really entertaining, I wish I could have made it to at least one. When the video is around I would love to see it!! I love to watch you dance. Looks like you have had a busy life lately, you and Noah are so cute.