Thursday, July 19, 2007

I liked it...even if no one else did...

So this piece was crazy, but I really liked it! It was my second favorite--after Pasha and Sara. That Mandy Moore piece was just really really cool. But I put this video on so you all can see what I wish I could do. This dance isn't just crazy, it's insanely difficult and I thought they pulled it off really well!


Anonymous said...

Giselly... I told Allen last night that I really like that dance too. (What can I say, great minds...)Oh, and I AM SURE YOU CAN DO ANYTHING IN THAT DANCE! Like I have begged. Please try out, it would make watching that show that much more fun if you were on it.

Chelsea Johnson said...

we love to watch the show. i really liked the tap dancing guy. love luke